Suicide crosses all cultural, economic and social boundaries. Many people who die by suicide appeared to be functioning well prior to their death. It can happen to anyone.
Jennifer S. Brasch MD, FRCPC
Dr. Brasch is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She graduated from medical school at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in 1991 and trained to be a psychiatrist in the residency program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Before joining the faculty of McMaster University in 1997, Dr. Brasch completed a fellowship in Emergency Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Since 1997, Dr. Brasch has worked in the Psychiatric Emergency Service at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario, becoming the Service’s Medical Director in 2000. Dr. Brasch is very interested in medical education and speaks frequently on suicide risk assessment, motivational interviewing, emergency psychiatry and other topics. [more information]
Inspiring Hope After a Suicide Attempt Presentation
Helen Kirkpatrick, RN, MScN, MEd, PhD
Helen Kirkpatrick is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner. She is currently the Co-ordinator of the Best Practice Spotlight Organization at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton and an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University School of Nursing. Helen received her MScN in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (1985), her MEd (1990) from the University of Toronto, and her PhD in Nursing (2005) from McMaster University. Helen's research has focused on stories. In her narrative research projects, stories or experiences are collected and analyzed to understand the subjects' experiences. Her research has included studies of stories of hope for people with schizophrenia, harm reduction, and people with major mental illnesses who were homeless and found permanent housing with supports.
Contact Drs. Brasch and Kirkpatrick at